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terms of service

Please make sure to read everything in this section. Failure to cooperate and understand the rules will lead to exposure/no drawing/fees depending on what the situation is. 


1. general tos

Artist has every right to cancel the order if they feel as though a violation has occured. If, on the rare occassion the artist cannot commit to the entire drawing, there will be a refund. 

Artist will NOT draw if you are: 

♥ Disrespectful.
♥ Harassing the artist/constantly asking when the drawing will be finished.
♥ Asking to give EXPSOSURE instead of giving PAYMENT


2. payment

♥ Payment that I will be accepting is PayPal/Cashapp. Usually, I only accept US dollars, but I will on the occassion, I accept Euros as well since it's applicable on PayPal. I can also accept the payment through Twitch's bits/subscriptions on my channel/donations!
♥ It's typically preferred if you were to pay 100% of the commission after sketch is shown. BUT! It's fine if you provide 50% after sketch and then the rest of the payment when it's done! 
♥ Do not send payment before I have officially agreed to do the commission. Payment will be after I agree.

3. process

♥ Typically commissions will take about a week or a MONTH to do at most. This depends on mental/physical health, amount of commissions I'm tackling, the amount of detail that is put into the commission wanted from me, ect. 
♥ Once the piece is completed it will be sent to you! Prints are 100% okay so long as you ask me and credit my artwork. There will also be my signature on the piece of artwork. However, if you want the signature off there will be a $5 fee. 


4. revisions

♥The limit to changing the piece of art will be 3. This only goes for lineart and colored artwork. Sketches can be changed multiple times because it's easier to revise it.
♥There will be a fee if there is a change that needs to be done on the final product unless the artist themselves has made an error. (AKA me)
♥If you approved of a drawing and then want me to change it there will be a fee for that. 
♥Unclear references and what you want from the drawing will lead to extra fees since it will be harder for me to draw what YOU want me to draw.

Keep in mind that all extra fees for these will be $2-$5 depending on how severe the revision is. 

5. copyright & usage

The Artist(Me):
♥ I have the right to cancel or refund at any time for any reason. 
♥ I keep all of the copyrights over the commissioned artworks. This means all artwork will NOT be okay for business advertisements/comercial works. 
♥I will not profit any further than commission work unless YOU, the customer, break the Terms of Service(TOS).
♥I reserve the right to post the commission art anywhere and use it in my portfolio. 

The Customer/Commissioner(You):
♥ You can upload the artwork anywhere on a social platform/website.
♥ You may NOT make profits from the commissioned piece (reselling, redistributing, uploading to POD-services, etc.)
♥ You can NOT change the artwork without MY approval/consent.
♥ You have rights to the intellectual property. (IP)
♥ Do NOT use the artwork for comercial use. 

Copyright Infringement: 
♥ Making money off of the commissioned work that I did for you. Basically reselling it or making copies of it without my permission. 
♥ Claiming my art as your own. 
♥ Altering artwork without my consent. 


6. canceling & refund policy

♥ Buyer is not allowed a refund after the artist(me) has already started it. 
♥ If the artwork is unable to be started then a full refund of the money will be given back to the commissioner. This also goes for canceling the commission before I have even started the art piece. 
♥ If you request PayPal chargeback when you are not allowed to; Example: I finished the piece of commission and sent it to you and then you ask for a chargeback- I will keep all of the money and provide Paypal screenshots of prior conversations and you will be blacklisted/Exposed to never earn a commission from me again. 


My Terms of Service was highly based off Nadia Axel. Her video to create a website on Wix was something that helped me make mine as well! Credit goes to all of her for the Terms of Service. It helped me know what to put and what I don't want to put on mine. Keep in mind that all the things placed on here can be changed at any time! If Nadia doesn't want me to go off of her Terms of Service, I will be more than happy to get rid of it immediately. Please check out her video if you're interested in how to make a commission website on Wix! 


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